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SL America Corporation (SL America)



Visitas: 1989

Esta empresa no tiene valoraciones

Información general

Tipo de empresa: Compradora

Productos y servicios principales: OEM components

Cobertura: America

Descripción breve: SL has become one of the best auto parts makers in the world with advanced technology and quality by focusing on electrification and modular auto components, starting from a manufacture specializing in headlamps for automobiles.

Descripción detallada: A company that leads the auto parts market SL has become one of the best auto parts makers in the world with advanced technology and quality by focusing on electrification and modular auto components, starting from a manufacture specializing in headlamps for automobiles. A company that prioritizes customers The driving force behind SL’s growth so far is thanks to the strong support and trust of customers and shareholders. We will continue to satisfy our customers based on customer intimacy management that prioritize customers. A trusted and respected company We promise to make SL a trusted and respected company with advanced technological prowess, management philosophy that puts people first, ethical management, eco-friendly system, and commitment to the development of the society.

Facilidades de pago ofrecidas por la empresa: Not defined


Capacidades y Certificaciones

  • ISO 9001
  • ISO 14001
  • ISO/TS 16949-IATF 16949
  • BS OHSAS 18001
  • PAS
  • ISO/IEC 27001
  • ISO/AS 9100
  • ISO 26000
  • Acreditación CLAUGTO
  • Acreditación AVSQ
  • Acreditación EAQF
  • Acreditación QS9000
  • Acreditación VDA6
  • Acreditación APQP/PPAP
  • Acreditación JICA
  • Acreditación C-TPAT

Contactos clave de la empresa

Datos disponibles sólo para compradores y usuarios Platinum.

Nombre Puesto Email Teléfono
********** Puesto: Supplier Quality
Departamento: Purchasing
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********** Puesto: Supplier Development
Departamento: Purchasing
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Requerimientos actuales de la empresa

Título Descripción Fecha
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  •  ISO 9001
  •  ISO 14001
  •  ISO/TS 16949-IATF 16949
  •  BS OHSAS 18001
  •  PAS
  •  ISO/IEC 27001
  •  SSC/SCP
  •  ISO/AS 9100
  •  ISO 26000
  •  Acreditación CLAUGTO
  •  AVSQ
  •  EAQF
  •  QS-9000
  •  VDA 6
  •  JICA
  •  C-TPAT
  • Categorías

    Palabras Clave Frecuentes
